Friday, 5 August 2022

Cruiser-X 79: The Final Battle

 Just a short entry today. It is about level 16 of Cruiser-X 79. I decided to re-use the one of the earlier level designs as a rough design (I think it may have been level 10). The design of level 16 is supposed to be the alien pirate base. There are loads of flying over deadly background tricks to be achieved in this final battle stage. Luckily there are shields to collect - but response needs to be quick before the shield runs out. At the end of level 16, I made a HQ base (the home base for the player ship) . As for the music, I have gone for a moody military style tune (no trance this time). 

There is an ending intended for the game. However this will NOT be revealed in this blog.

Well that is it. All of my rough level designs finished. I will be awaiting Saul's magic touch to the game. However it is not the end of the game project yet. I have some code tweaking to do.

Update 24th December 2022!

The game with is finished and is now officially released. You can pick up the full game absolutely free or play the game online at 

Wednesday, 3 August 2022

Cruiser-X 79: More bubbles

 Because I liked level 4 so much, and the bubbles scene. I decided that level 15 should feature the bubbles once more, but this time much inside a much harder level. There are some more barriers in which the ship should avoid crashing into, but as usual shields should be easy enough for the player to pick up. The shield allows the player to fly over deadly background for a temporary amount of time. 

On the music front, it is another fast paced tune, but not trance. The music sort of feels very oldschool like something you may have heard in the late 1980s or early 1990s. The idea for the music for this level was intended to sound a bit like Maniacs of Noise, but the tune plays too fast. I had to make the music fast due to the level finishing before the music loops back. The result is pretty good.

I exported Level 15 graphics into the game source. Re-configured and compiled the game to put everything in place. Then I set the game code to play level 15 after loading from disk and played the game with infinite lives. This rough level design has turned out quite well. I am really pleased with how it has turned out.

There is only one more level to design this week, before I go full on into the game code next week fixing the game bugs and adding additional elements like 'continue game', 'hi score/name entry', etc. There is one thing I am most certain about. That is completing the project in time for a Christmas release. There is still plenty of time for improvement and finishing everything off. - Unless of course circumstances beyond my control holds things back, which I hope will not be the case. :)

2023 at a glance

2024 is here, and 2023 has been a really quiet year on the production front due to everything that had gone back to normality. The year has ...